Chapter 9: Trapping the Little Eunuch

Release Time: 2023-11-09 02:39:15
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Chapter 9: Trapping the Little Eunuch
“You want to die and you want to drag me with you.” Lu Li gathered his things and stood up, “Did you start writing the Taoist scriptures you copied? During this time, just stay in the house and copy them, and practice the words by the way.”
“Oh.” Li Yi responded, his eyes falling on Lu Li’s quiet face. She had stayed in Zhaonanyuan for so long, and in just one day, she had a thorough understanding of the situation in the harem. If she wanted to fight, based on her conditions, , who is the opponent?
“Yeah.” Lu Li looked at Li Yi.
“If you don’t run away with me, you won’t be afraid that I will be seduced by someone else. I am so handsome, but I am so handsome. You didn’t notice that the palace maids and sisters blushed when they saw me.”
Li Yi wasn’t talking nonsense about this. Although his original body was weak, his appearance was really good-looking. If he could replenish his body later and add some flesh, he would be a perfect young master in troubled times.
Li Yidu suspected that he was often beaten because he was so handsome and the eunuchs were jealous!
Lu Li glanced at him, but had to admit that Li Yi was indeed well-born, with delicate features, red lips and white teeth. If he hadn’t been a eunuch in the palace, he would have been the ideal husband in girls’ imaginations.
Lu Li didn’t take Li Yi’s words seriously. Even though they got along day and night, she didn’t find out that Li Yi was a fake eunuch.
Shu Jieyu’s fetus was not saved in the end. As expected, the matter went to the emperor, and it was Shu Jieyu who was punished in the end. As for Concubine Rong, she was the one who was comforted.
If you don’t have enough brains, you are really not suitable for entering the harem.
“Eunuch Li, are you well?” During these days, Xia Ling would come to see Li Yi from time to time. She was from Xiao Qingyue’s palace. Xiao Qingyue couldn’t come by herself, so she asked the palace maid to come to express her condolences.
“Sister Xia Ling, you should call me Xiao Yizi.” The words “father-in-law” are really painful to hear.
“Are you here to bring me medicine again?” Li Yi stood up and poured tea for others, “You tell Empress Zhaoyi that all my injuries have healed, and if she is still worried about her, she can reward me with some silver coins. I’m definitely happy.”
Xia Ling smiled and glared at him, “How can you beg for rewards like this? Carefully, I’ll give you a piece of cake if I’m angry with you.” .
“Sister Xia Ling is bluffing again. Empress Zhaoyi is so kind, how could she be so ruthless? Let me show you, does the handwriting I have written in the past two days look much better?” Li Yi showed Xia the Taoist scriptures he had just copied. Look spiritually.
“Great progress.” Xia Ling praised, “Are you always so leisurely?”
Xia Ling couldn’t help but ask this. Every time she came over, Li Yi was either copying Taoist scriptures, basking in the sun at the door, or talking to the young eunuch.
“It’s all because of the Queen’s charity, and she allowed me to keep him in the house.” Li Yi smiled shyly. In fact, he had nothing to do, except grinding ink for Lu Li, and there was nothing else for him to do.
Now everyone in Kunning Palace knows that he is very favored by Lu Li because he knows a few words and saved Xiao Zhaoyi.
And with this power, Li Yi recruited little eunuchs from all over the place. Little people are also a great force. They can even be defeated in an ant nest after traveling thousands of miles.
In the palace, it is easier to do things if you have ears and eyes.
“Go and pay your respects to your empress one day. She will definitely reward you with something.” Xia Ling said to Li Yi before leaving as usual, putting down the medicine.
“Sister Xia Ling has said so, I will definitely listen.” Li Yi said with a smile, even if Xia Ling didn’t say anything, Li Yi was going to pay homage to Zhaoyi.
He has a crush on his brother, huh? What seems wrong with this statement? It should be that he became interested in Xiao Zhaoyi’s brother’s identity as the commander of the imperial army.
If he could use Xiao Zhaoyi to establish a relationship, if he couldn’t survive in the palace in the future, he would have a way to elope with Lu Li.
The next day, Li Yi went to Zhaohua Palace. The situation was chaotic at that time, and he did not take a closer look at Xiao Zhaoyi. When he looked at it today, Li Yi nodded secretly, and the hibiscus came out of the clear water, naturally carving it.
Different from Lu Li’s nobility and elegance, Xiao Qingyue exuded a cold aura, and her beautiful face made people forget about the world.
“I have met Empress Zhaoyi.”
“No gift.”
Li Yi was looking at Xiao Qingyue, and Xiao Qingyue was also looking at him. She was young, about 16 or 7 years old. Her face was very clean, especially her eyes, which were extremely lively.
“Thank you for sacrificing your life to save me that day.”
“Your Majesty, what you said is really embarrassing.” He said it humbly, but Li Yi’s expression was neither humble nor arrogant.
“Xia Ling said, would you rather be rewarded with silver?” Xiao Qingyue opened her mouth lightly, with a faint coldness in her voice.
“After entering this palace, I have no other expectations. Money is a good thing and can be used for retirement in the future.” Li Yi answered honestly.
When Xiao Qingyue smiled, it was like a pear blossom blooming in an instant, so beautiful that Li Yibao wouldn’t be able to reveal the image of Brother Zhu if he hadn’t been baptized by Lu Li’s beauty every day.
Xiao Qingyue waved her hand to ask someone to give her a reward, but looking at Li Yi, she didn’t know why she became interested. She raised her lips and said, “How much do you think I should give you?”
Hearing this, Li Yi blinked his eyes and grinned, “How can this young man have any say? The more the merrier, the more the better.”
Without the following sentence, the more the merrier, Xiao Qingyue really thought this was sincerity. Xia Ling, who was standing beside her, admired Li Yi. He was so courageous that he dared to say anything.
“Xia Ling, give him two gold ingots.”
After taking the gold ingot, Li Yi left with a smile on his face. He really loves money now. Who told the eunuch group to recognize money but not people?
“Eunuch Li, I brought something back to you over there.”
A young eunuch secretly went to Li Yi’s room and took out a tightly wrapped black cloth strip from his arms and gave it to him.
Li Yi was shocked, it was done for him. These days, he was worried every day, fearing that the emperor would favor Lu Li.
Fortunately, Concubine Rong’s ladies were so powerful that they deliberately refused to let the emperor come up and held on to it with all their might.
But there is no way to go on like this. Money can make things work, so Li Yi dragged people to get the incense from the purchasing eunuch.
Although this is not a long-term solution, it is at least a short-term solution.
“Take it.” Li Yi threw a small silver ingot to the little eunuch, “Do you know what to say and what not to say?”
“Don’t worry, Eunuch Li, my slave will definitely keep his mouth shut.”
“Go ahead.”
After the little eunuch left, Li Yi hid the things.
“I seem to be in a good mood today.” Lu Li looked at Li Yi.
Li Yi estimated that he had enough ink, stopped, picked up a pen, and wrote beside Lu Li, “I went to Xiao Zhaoyi’s palace today, what a beautiful woman.”
“So, it has something to do with you?”
“Empress, has anyone ever told you that your words are very heart-wrenching. The relationship doesn’t matter, but it’s like appreciating flowers and plants. She’s so pleasing to the eye.”
Lu Li put down his pen and said casually, “I think you are lustful.”
“This is even more heartbreaking. For a person like me, well, it’s okay not to say anything.” Li Yi sighed, looking very sad.
Lu Li narrowed her eyes, grabbed Li Yi’s ear and pulled it. At first, every time Li Yi felt sad about his mutilated body, Lu Li would comfort him, but later, she discovered that this guy was just pretending.


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