All Men Are Brothers

All Men Are Brothers

author: Shi Naian state: Already finished Views: 28

Table of Contents: Chapter 5 Lu Zhishen uproots the weeping willow Renew: 2023-11-07 07:20:58

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"Water Margin" is a novel with the theme of ancient peasant uprising. It vividly depicts the entire process from the occurrence, development to failure of the peasant uprising, profoundly reveals the social roots of the uprising, enthusiastically praises the resistance struggle of the uprising heroes and their social ideals, and also specifically reveals the inner history of the failure of the uprising. reason.

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Chapter 5 Lu Zhishen uproots the weeping willow

Chapter 5 Lu Zhishen uproots the weeping willow
Lu Zhishen came out from Wutai Mountain, covered with travel, and rushed all the way to the Xiangguo Temple in Tokyo. He met the elder of the Xiangguo Temple, Master Zhiqing. After some inquiries, the elder arranged for Lu Zhishen to stay. Because Lu Zhishen had a fierce face and did not look like a monk, the monks in the temple asked him to manage the vegetable garden outside the Jujube Gate. There were more than twenty scoundrels there who often stole food, so the elder thought it would be a good idea to let Lu Zhishen calm them down. Although Lu Zhishen was not very willing, he had no choice but to agree first.

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