deep sea embers

deep sea embers

author: 远瞳 state: Serialization Views: 46

Table of Contents: Chapter 10 Elegance is not so elegant anymore... Renew: 2023-11-09 05:26:54

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On that day, thick fog blocked everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he stepped through the thick fog and faced a world that was completely overturned and fragmented - the old order was gone, and strange phenomena dominated the endless sea outside civilized society, isolated island cities and challenges. The fleets of the sea have become the only remaining lights in the civilized world, but the shadows of the past are still stirring in the deep sea, waiting to continue to devour this dying world. But for the new captain of the Lost Home, there is only one problem that he must consider first - who knows how to sail the ship? !

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Chapter 10 Elegance is not so elegant anymore...

Chapter 10 Elegance is not so elegant anymore...
The "coffin" is back.

On the stern deck of the Lost Home, Duncan looked at the gorgeous wooden box lying quietly in front of him with an expressionless face. The water drops on the edge of the wooden box fell drop by drop at his feet, confirming that he had thrown the wooden box away. The memory of entering the sea is definitely not false, confirming that this thing was indeed floating in the sea not long ago.

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